i have never seen you on the server
your staff app says you have only played for a week
and you have to of played for 2 weeks for a staff app
you have missed alot of the questions
i say just get more time on the server and get into some departments if you havent already like pd nhs...
Section A: Applicants background
1.1: What is your in-game name? Harris
1.2: How old are you? 15
1.3: Do you have a working microphone? yes i do
1.4: How long have you been playing Riverside? 4-3 mouths
1.5: Are you fluent in English? yes
1.6: What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:419673811
1.7: What...
Section A: Applicants background
1.1: What is your in-game name? Harris
1.2: How old are you? I am 15
1.3: Do you have a working microphone? Yes I do
1.4: How long have you been playing Riverside? 3 to 4 months
1.5: Are you fluent in English? Yes
1.6: What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:419673811...