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Denied admin application

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Nov 2, 2024
1.1: What is your in-game name? Richard Black
1.2: How old are you? 10/5
1.3: Do you have a working microphone? yes
1.4: How long have you been playing Riverside? most prob longer then a month
1.5: Are you fluent in English? yes
1.6: What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:629413172
1.7: What is your Discord?richardthehobo_41427
1.8: References (if any)? none

Section B: Definitions and critical thinking:

2.1: Define RDM and provide two examples: killing randomly, killing someone for saying smth to you

2.2: Define metagaming and provide two examples: telling on radio a users name by looking at the name tag, using none rp things to figure out stuff

2.3: Define FearRP and provide two examples: when your under gunpoint and you dont listen, being kidnapped by two people and dont listen

2.4: What is cop baiting and provide two examples: doing stuff to allert cops for fun without reason, like driving into cop cars

2.5: What is discrimination and provide two examples: treating someone wrong because how they look, like because shes a woman she cant mug
Please answer the following questions as if you were a Trial-Mod:

2.6: Dave has adverted carjack, stolen an NHS member's vehicle and drives around the city crashing into multiple parked cars. Tom reports him for failing to advert carjack. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? carban him for the amount he is meant to have

2.7: Joe has reported William for killing him for no reason with a car bomb. William (Hitman) states that he had a valid reason as it was for a hit. William has also killed three other people with car bombs. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? i will ask them if he killed the other people with the car bomb he used on joe if yes and gives a clip i will take further action

2.8: Garry has reported James (Gun dealer) for killing him for no reason. James has a base on the sidewalk and has openly advertised it as a gun shop server wide. James states that Garry was not permitted inside his shop. James has killed four people in the last three minutes. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? once shown the clip i warn him for mass rdm

2.9: Harry, as a police Commander, is hosting a meeting. He advertises, “PD meeting | Starting 5m | Important topics | No major crimes.” Bobby advertises, “Base raid,” and still proceeds to raid a base despite Harry warning him that raiding is considered a major crime. What steps will you take to resolve this situation? warn harry for committing a major crime while there is a pd meeting going on.
Section C: Questions

3.1: Why should we choose you over other applicants? i want to help the server achieve better things and i think i can stop rule breakers from ruining the immersion

3.2: If you were in a situation you did not know how to handle what would you do? ask for an admin with an higher rank

3.3: Do you have previous experience staffing servers? no

3.4: List three strengths that you have that will help you staff: negotiation, friendliness, and being helpful

3.5: List three weaknesses that may affect you when you’re staff: when there is a come to back argument, when the person doesnt have a clip, speaking other regions of the player [i can speak english]

3.6: Why do you want to be a staff member? to help the server to become better and more awesome then it already is so please could i become a staff

3.7: Do you have any disabilities (or other issues) that may impact your ability as staff? no my mentality is stable

Have you received any help when creating this application?
Do you consent to further fact-checking and background-checking?


Staff Member
Mar 9, 2024
Application needs a bit of work as more things can DEFINITELY be expanded upon. Please avoid using abbreviations/shortened terms in your application!
Interactions haven't been the best with you in game. You're a bit immature (especially in OOC)!

I dont think you're a good fit for staff, sorry!


Staff Member
Sep 11, 2024
From experience in game mostly you’re not the most mature lad, with that being said I have had some good RP scenarios with you, also your application is lacking a fair bit of detail.

-Btw Fym 10/5 for your age? Do you mean 10.5yrs old or what we talking about here.


Staff Member
Dec 24, 2023


From experience in the server I can say you're not very mature, and you tend to minge. Section B lacks some detail.
SCO-19: Ex-INS
NHS: ex-Consultant
RS: Ex - Sicerio
Staff: Moderator
May 22, 2023
Minge and did not know he needs to advert kidnap when batoning people
Last edited:


Forums Assistant
Appeals & Reports
Staff Member
Nov 11, 2024
Hey Richard,

I will be giving you a -1.

My reason for this is whenever I have interacted with you, you seem really immature and often minge.

May 22, 2023
From experience in game mostly you’re not the most mature lad, with that being said I have had some good RP scenarios with you, also your application is lacking a fair bit of detail.

-Btw Fym 10/5 for your age? Do you mean 10.5yrs old or what we talking about here.
Might mean 10 divided by 5 aka 2
Feb 24, 2023
-1, You Minge A Lot and your answers are lacking. But also because being 10 and staff is a very bad mix, which i have experienced as staff at about 12.
Feb 1, 2022
-1, I assume 10/5 is supposed to be 10.5, in which case you would not be mature enough at all to be in any sort of position to moderate (speaking from personal experience). Application is generally lacking. Hope to see some improvement in your behaviour and then I might consider a +1.


Staff Member
Sep 24, 2024
-1, everytime i interacted with you, you minge another reason for my -1 is that you are immature


Staff Supervisor
Staff Member
Jan 12, 2022

If you wish to apply again please make a significant impact to change your behaviour on the server. You may re-apply in two weeks.
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