Name: Spacey
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:431471716
Date of ban issue: 28/07/24
Member of staff: meady
Ban reason (screenshot): Doxxing
Why should we unban you?: Just looking for a second chance and a second look on my ban. I feel it it unjust due to the fact that he had his camera on inside of a public Metropolitan Police VC. It was in fact not a private call. I have friends in real life and we all freely have pictures of each other. Just for the laughs. I became desensitised towards this and acted irrationally. I do apologise to the person who I did this to, I didn’t expect you to react this way. I did not send the picture to anyone nor did I save it locally. I have no use for it and no intentions to dox you. I deleted it afterwards due to the reaction I observed in the VC, and the subsequent report. I do understand people have a level of opsec and respect their privacy, for breaching this I am sorry. Having seen previous bans for doxxing, I know you guys are harsh on it, and I have a low chance of a pardon, but I’m just going to try anyways.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:431471716
Date of ban issue: 28/07/24
Member of staff: meady
Ban reason (screenshot): Doxxing
Why should we unban you?: Just looking for a second chance and a second look on my ban. I feel it it unjust due to the fact that he had his camera on inside of a public Metropolitan Police VC. It was in fact not a private call. I have friends in real life and we all freely have pictures of each other. Just for the laughs. I became desensitised towards this and acted irrationally. I do apologise to the person who I did this to, I didn’t expect you to react this way. I did not send the picture to anyone nor did I save it locally. I have no use for it and no intentions to dox you. I deleted it afterwards due to the reaction I observed in the VC, and the subsequent report. I do understand people have a level of opsec and respect their privacy, for breaching this I am sorry. Having seen previous bans for doxxing, I know you guys are harsh on it, and I have a low chance of a pardon, but I’m just going to try anyways.
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