Name: floppydonky
Ban reason: I don't know
Ban date: 12/7/2024 (i guess?)
Why should we unban you:
To start things off, i woke up about an hour ago (11 am), i went out to the grocery store to eat, basic human needs, etc. I get on discord and see i am not in any of the riverside discord servers except for new exton government. I private messaged akrakurd regarding this, he was helpful but doesn't know why I got banned, and ironically neither do I.
I found a device that was connected to my discord, it was from sarajevo canton which i am from. But i never use discord on chrome or any browsers, i removed it. Although i am not sure if that was the reason.
Ban reason: I don't know
Ban date: 12/7/2024 (i guess?)
Why should we unban you:
To start things off, i woke up about an hour ago (11 am), i went out to the grocery store to eat, basic human needs, etc. I get on discord and see i am not in any of the riverside discord servers except for new exton government. I private messaged akrakurd regarding this, he was helpful but doesn't know why I got banned, and ironically neither do I.
I found a device that was connected to my discord, it was from sarajevo canton which i am from. But i never use discord on chrome or any browsers, i removed it. Although i am not sure if that was the reason.