Section A: Applicants background
1.1: What is your in-game name? Joshua
1.2: How old are you? 14
1.3: Do you have a working microphone? Yes
1.4: How long have you been playing Riverside? 1 Month
1.5: Are you fluent in English? Yes
1.6: What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:723669720
1.7: What is your Discord? joshuasteam001
1.8: References (if any)?
Section B: Definitions and critical thinking:
2.1: Define RDM and provide two examples: Random Deathmatch is eliminating another player without solid reason. For Example, John Kills Timmy just because Timmy said his Uncle is a nonce, PC Steven kills RS Soldier Gary for Illegally Parking
2.2: Define metagaming and provide two examples: Using OOC methods or Misc Tools to get an advantaged over players in an unfair way. For Example, PCSO Don arrest T LCPL Longy for being a Terrorist just because Terrorist is in his name, Using /advert to get NHS to revive you after you die.
2.3: Define FearRP and provide two examples: FearRP is being put under overwhelming danger and attempting to ruin the other teams RP. For Example, RS Alex is alone and is being held at gunpoint by 4 Terrorists and RS Alex attempts to pull out his gun to attempt to save his life, PCSO attempts to taze the RS Recruit while at gunpoint.
2.4: What is cop baiting and provide two examples: Cop Baiting is baiting Government Personnel to engage with you as an excuse to attack them. T SGT Halloha slashes PC Jake tires, RS Enforcer falsely adverts Raids to get PD to move to false call.
2.5: What is discrimination and provide two examples: Discrimination is treating another individual differently because of their Ethnicity, Sexual Preference and Religion ect. AC Bob doesnt promote PC Robby to SGT because he is Transgender, Staff Moderator Gaz bans Lilly because she is muslim.
Please answer the following questions as if you were a Trial-Mod:
2.6: Dave has adverted carjack, stolen an NHS members vehicle and drives around the city crashing into multiple parked cars. Tom reports him for failing to advert carjack. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? Spectate the Defendant on his activities so i may witness it, Recieve both sides of the story and ask politely for a clip as evidence, if the evidence is provided, Dave will be warned for B15 ( Crimes Against NHS ) and N17 ( Car Minging ). If no evidence is provided and i did not witness these events, then no punishments can be taken due to lack of evidence.
2.7: Joe has reported William for killing him for no reason with a car bomb. William (Hitman) states that he had a valid reason as it was for a hit. William has also killed three other people with car bombs. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? Get both sides of the story, request for clip as evidence for a better perspective of the situation. If the Hit was valid then no punishments will be handed, the other 3 people were simply at wrong place at the wrong time. The Hitman is allowed to use a Car bomb to kill his hit and having other people be in the " Crossfire ". Best way to put it for the other three is " Shit happens, wrong place wrong time ". The hitman would of only intended his Hit to be killed, doubt he tried to kill the others. However if the hit was invalid then the Hitman would be banned for 2 Weeks for B2 ( MassRDM ).
2.8: Garry has reported James (Gun dealer) for killing him for no reason. James has a base on the sidewalk and has openly advertised it as a gun shop server wide. James states that Garry was not permitted inside his shop. James has killed four people in the last three minutes. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? Get both sides of the story and a clip for evidence. If the evidence proves that James falsely killed Gary then further investigation would be taken. However if the RDM is valid then no further action would be taken as James had right to shoot if someone is on his property and fails to leave. It would check with the other three why they were RDMd and ask if they would like to open a ticket, if all say no then everyone will return to their RP with no punishments taken. However if any of the three players want to press charges, then the process will be as followed again. Both sides of story, Evidence then Verdict.
2.9: Harry as a Commander in the Police is hosting a meeting he adverts “PD meeting | Starting 5m | Important topics | No major crimes”. Bobby adverts “Base raid” and still proceeds to raid a base despite Harry warning him that raiding is considered a major crime. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? Pull Bobby aside and remind him of the meeting, and kindly ask to false the advert. If Bobby continues his Raid, he would recieve a warn and a 10 min Jail for B14 ( No Majors ). The Warn is because he broke the role after verbal warning, and the jail is to stop the Raid from continueing.
Section C: Questions
3.1: Why should we choose you over other applicants?
- Active, I show plenty of activity, 6-7 hours a day at least.
- Respect, I show respect to everyone no matter who they are and what they believe in. I may come off as rude or aggressive however thats just me personally however i try my best to show im friendly and i always show respect to those around me who deserve it.
- Courage, Always willing to step up and show confidence, i will always have control of situations and not let others intimidate me or take advantage.
- Commitment, I will sacrifice my time to help others and always make tickets a number one priority on the server, Staffing is more important then my own RP.
- Loyalty, I show my Loyalty and devotion to The Community and The Team, For Example, not leaking Staff business and always prioritizing The Community over others.
- Communication, I speak clearly, calmly, professionally and respectfully at all times in sits. No Anger or Swears will be shown towards the players in the sit even when disrespected, being the bigger person.
3.2: If you were in a situation you did not know how to handle what would you do?
Main Focus is to keep the situation stable and aware that it is being handled, if on the rare occasion i struggle to handle it due to lack of knowledge or lack of power, i would hand the situation to one rank above me on the staff team ( Not straight to highest ) as they would know more what to do with their experience.
3.3: Do you have previous experience staffing servers? No i don't have any experience being a moderator/administrator.
3.4: List three strengths that you have that will help you staff:
- Leadership: I can Lead a group when given a task, enforce discipline to lower downs when needed and making sure everyone gets along even when i do not have power. I will take initiative when needed but respecting my higherups in their power as myself as a lower down.
- Dedication: I can put alot of time and effort into The Team and The Community to provide as support as possible when im needed, wether its simple questions or something that requires alot me time, im willing to give it up for others, a " Team Player "
- Humour: Showing a bit of light and laughs is what makes the Staff Team more likeable, its what makes The Community support The Staff Team. I also want the Staff Team to have a better reputation. Showing i can take a joke and have a laugh is something i want to focus on most. Im also aware of the differences between a joke and a joke that goes too far, im there to step in if such goes too far,
3.5: List three weaknesses that may affect you when you’re staff:
Aggressive: I have learnt i can tend to be aggressive and some take it personally, there might be a miscommunication with that sometimes but i always say my sorry's and apologize as long as someone points it out and lets me know i was out of bounds. Just note, its just how i am, but that wont stop me from trying to improve and make things better.
3.6: Why do you want to be a staff member?
I want to focus and building a reputation, getting myself more involved in supporting The Community and showing myself more to others, letting them know like " Hey Im a Staff Member now, and im always around to assist when needed ". Itll be beneficial to me too as i do enjoy helping others as much as i can by making sure the rules are followed and their RP is not distrupted.
3.7: Do you have any disabilities (or other issues) that may impact your ability as staff? My Autism might impact me being a staff member
Have you received any help when creating this application? No
Do you consent to further fact-checking and background checking? Yes ( Note: I do not have any active warns )
1.1: What is your in-game name? Joshua
1.2: How old are you? 14
1.3: Do you have a working microphone? Yes
1.4: How long have you been playing Riverside? 1 Month
1.5: Are you fluent in English? Yes
1.6: What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:723669720
1.7: What is your Discord? joshuasteam001
1.8: References (if any)?
Section B: Definitions and critical thinking:
2.1: Define RDM and provide two examples: Random Deathmatch is eliminating another player without solid reason. For Example, John Kills Timmy just because Timmy said his Uncle is a nonce, PC Steven kills RS Soldier Gary for Illegally Parking
2.2: Define metagaming and provide two examples: Using OOC methods or Misc Tools to get an advantaged over players in an unfair way. For Example, PCSO Don arrest T LCPL Longy for being a Terrorist just because Terrorist is in his name, Using /advert to get NHS to revive you after you die.
2.3: Define FearRP and provide two examples: FearRP is being put under overwhelming danger and attempting to ruin the other teams RP. For Example, RS Alex is alone and is being held at gunpoint by 4 Terrorists and RS Alex attempts to pull out his gun to attempt to save his life, PCSO attempts to taze the RS Recruit while at gunpoint.
2.4: What is cop baiting and provide two examples: Cop Baiting is baiting Government Personnel to engage with you as an excuse to attack them. T SGT Halloha slashes PC Jake tires, RS Enforcer falsely adverts Raids to get PD to move to false call.
2.5: What is discrimination and provide two examples: Discrimination is treating another individual differently because of their Ethnicity, Sexual Preference and Religion ect. AC Bob doesnt promote PC Robby to SGT because he is Transgender, Staff Moderator Gaz bans Lilly because she is muslim.
Please answer the following questions as if you were a Trial-Mod:
2.6: Dave has adverted carjack, stolen an NHS members vehicle and drives around the city crashing into multiple parked cars. Tom reports him for failing to advert carjack. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? Spectate the Defendant on his activities so i may witness it, Recieve both sides of the story and ask politely for a clip as evidence, if the evidence is provided, Dave will be warned for B15 ( Crimes Against NHS ) and N17 ( Car Minging ). If no evidence is provided and i did not witness these events, then no punishments can be taken due to lack of evidence.
2.7: Joe has reported William for killing him for no reason with a car bomb. William (Hitman) states that he had a valid reason as it was for a hit. William has also killed three other people with car bombs. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? Get both sides of the story, request for clip as evidence for a better perspective of the situation. If the Hit was valid then no punishments will be handed, the other 3 people were simply at wrong place at the wrong time. The Hitman is allowed to use a Car bomb to kill his hit and having other people be in the " Crossfire ". Best way to put it for the other three is " Shit happens, wrong place wrong time ". The hitman would of only intended his Hit to be killed, doubt he tried to kill the others. However if the hit was invalid then the Hitman would be banned for 2 Weeks for B2 ( MassRDM ).
2.8: Garry has reported James (Gun dealer) for killing him for no reason. James has a base on the sidewalk and has openly advertised it as a gun shop server wide. James states that Garry was not permitted inside his shop. James has killed four people in the last three minutes. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? Get both sides of the story and a clip for evidence. If the evidence proves that James falsely killed Gary then further investigation would be taken. However if the RDM is valid then no further action would be taken as James had right to shoot if someone is on his property and fails to leave. It would check with the other three why they were RDMd and ask if they would like to open a ticket, if all say no then everyone will return to their RP with no punishments taken. However if any of the three players want to press charges, then the process will be as followed again. Both sides of story, Evidence then Verdict.
2.9: Harry as a Commander in the Police is hosting a meeting he adverts “PD meeting | Starting 5m | Important topics | No major crimes”. Bobby adverts “Base raid” and still proceeds to raid a base despite Harry warning him that raiding is considered a major crime. What steps will you take to resolve this sit? Pull Bobby aside and remind him of the meeting, and kindly ask to false the advert. If Bobby continues his Raid, he would recieve a warn and a 10 min Jail for B14 ( No Majors ). The Warn is because he broke the role after verbal warning, and the jail is to stop the Raid from continueing.
Section C: Questions
3.1: Why should we choose you over other applicants?
- Active, I show plenty of activity, 6-7 hours a day at least.
- Respect, I show respect to everyone no matter who they are and what they believe in. I may come off as rude or aggressive however thats just me personally however i try my best to show im friendly and i always show respect to those around me who deserve it.
- Courage, Always willing to step up and show confidence, i will always have control of situations and not let others intimidate me or take advantage.
- Commitment, I will sacrifice my time to help others and always make tickets a number one priority on the server, Staffing is more important then my own RP.
- Loyalty, I show my Loyalty and devotion to The Community and The Team, For Example, not leaking Staff business and always prioritizing The Community over others.
- Communication, I speak clearly, calmly, professionally and respectfully at all times in sits. No Anger or Swears will be shown towards the players in the sit even when disrespected, being the bigger person.
3.2: If you were in a situation you did not know how to handle what would you do?
Main Focus is to keep the situation stable and aware that it is being handled, if on the rare occasion i struggle to handle it due to lack of knowledge or lack of power, i would hand the situation to one rank above me on the staff team ( Not straight to highest ) as they would know more what to do with their experience.
3.3: Do you have previous experience staffing servers? No i don't have any experience being a moderator/administrator.
3.4: List three strengths that you have that will help you staff:
- Leadership: I can Lead a group when given a task, enforce discipline to lower downs when needed and making sure everyone gets along even when i do not have power. I will take initiative when needed but respecting my higherups in their power as myself as a lower down.
- Dedication: I can put alot of time and effort into The Team and The Community to provide as support as possible when im needed, wether its simple questions or something that requires alot me time, im willing to give it up for others, a " Team Player "
- Humour: Showing a bit of light and laughs is what makes the Staff Team more likeable, its what makes The Community support The Staff Team. I also want the Staff Team to have a better reputation. Showing i can take a joke and have a laugh is something i want to focus on most. Im also aware of the differences between a joke and a joke that goes too far, im there to step in if such goes too far,
3.5: List three weaknesses that may affect you when you’re staff:
Aggressive: I have learnt i can tend to be aggressive and some take it personally, there might be a miscommunication with that sometimes but i always say my sorry's and apologize as long as someone points it out and lets me know i was out of bounds. Just note, its just how i am, but that wont stop me from trying to improve and make things better.
3.6: Why do you want to be a staff member?
I want to focus and building a reputation, getting myself more involved in supporting The Community and showing myself more to others, letting them know like " Hey Im a Staff Member now, and im always around to assist when needed ". Itll be beneficial to me too as i do enjoy helping others as much as i can by making sure the rules are followed and their RP is not distrupted.
3.7: Do you have any disabilities (or other issues) that may impact your ability as staff? My Autism might impact me being a staff member
Have you received any help when creating this application? No
Do you consent to further fact-checking and background checking? Yes ( Note: I do not have any active warns )
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