Name: SGT LEEZYvans 5287
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:211212515
Date of ban issue: 08/07/2024
Member of staff: smockzy
Ban reason (screenshot) :
why we should unban you: i play using geforce i can only play for six hours my session timed while i was being arrested. i had been on a while then i just did join back so you didn't think it was fail RP
i wake up today go to come on and 2 day ban for something out of my control i get it would be better to have my own pc but geforce all i got right now. please consider unbanning me completely out of my control.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:211212515
Date of ban issue: 08/07/2024
Member of staff: smockzy
Ban reason (screenshot) :
why we should unban you: i play using geforce i can only play for six hours my session timed while i was being arrested. i had been on a while then i just did join back so you didn't think it was fail RP
i wake up today go to come on and 2 day ban for something out of my control i get it would be better to have my own pc but geforce all i got right now. please consider unbanning me completely out of my control.