Section A: Applicant's background
1.1: What is your in-game name? Poopenfarten
1.2: How old are you? 14
1.3: Do you have a working microphone? yes
1.4: How long have you been playing Riverside? joined once in April, started actually playing somewhere around early December
1.5: Are you fluent in English? yes
1.6: What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:844137426
1.7: What is your Discord? brimstonemines__
1.8: References (if any)? Mr Frundles
Section B: Definitions and critical thinking:
2.1: Define RDM and provide two examples:
-RDM: killing someone for no valid reason
--Player 1 spawns into spawn, walks out and kills a random player on the street with his knife
--Player 1 walks by and calls Player 2 stupid, causing Player 2 to pull out a gun and shoot down Player 1
2.2: Define metagaming and provide two examples:
-Metagaming: getting info from ooc to get an advantage over players
--Player 1 sends in OOC that he just killed someone, SGT finds him in mall and arrests Player 1 for murder albeit having no evidence of this
--Player 1 says that there are drugs inside a house in Leslie Green in OOC, which then an NCA officer drives over to Leslie Green and raids a base for having drugs
2.3: Define FearRP and provide two examples:
-FearRp is valuing your character's life
--2 Criminals walk up to Player 1 and mugs Player 1 with both pointing a gun at Player 1 (Player 1 cannot just run away because that would be breaking FearRP)
--PMDC goes up to a Player 1's dead body and Crim 1 pulls out a gun and threatens PMDC that if he revives Player 1 that he will kill him (PMDC cannot revive him as that would be breaking FearRP)
2.4: What is cop baiting and provide two examples:
-Copbaiting: getting cops after you for no reason
--Player 1 sees a police car and starts ramming into constantly, starting a police chase
--Player 1 pulls out a gun and points it at PC before putting it away and running away while taunting the PC
2.5: What is discrimination and provide two examples:
-Discrimination: treating someone lesser because of their race, gender or sexuality
--Player 1 sees that Player 2's avatar is black and calls him the hard R in vc
--INS doesn't train CDT 1 because he found out that CDT 1 is gay
Please answer the following questions as if you were a Trial-Mod:
2.6: Dave has adverted carjack, stolen an NHS member's vehicle and drives around the city crashing into multiple parked cars. Tom reports him for failing to advert carjack. What steps will you take to resolve this sit?
-take the sit, check logs for the carjack advert, then inform Tom that Dave has adverted Carjack albeit that I will give whatever punishment to Tom for carminging
2.7: Joe has reported William for killing him for no reason with a car bomb. William (Hitman) states that he had a valid reason as it was for a hit. William has also killed three other people with car bombs. What steps will you take to resolve this sit?
-take the sit, check logs to see if William had a hit on Joe and check the other three he killed, if he didn't have a hit on Joe, I'll warn William for RDM but if he didn't have a hit on Joe or the three people, I will give whatever punishment for MRDM
2.8: Garry has reported James (Gun dealer) for killing him for no reason. James has a base on the sidewalk and has openly advertised it as a gun shop server wide. James states that Garry was not permitted inside his shop. James has killed four people in the last three minutes. What steps will you take to resolve this sit?
-take the sit, ask either Garry or James for the clip of the situation to check if James killed him for no reason but also tell James that he cannot build on the street and only hobos can and ask him to move his base, if he doesn't, I'll give whatever punishment it is for failbase and RDM if he did kill Garry for no valid reason. I'll also spectate him to make sure he isn't doing something fishy because he has killing 4 people in the last 3 minutes.
2.9: Harry, as a police Commander, is hosting a meeting. He advertises, “PD meeting | Starting 5m | Important topics | No major crimes.” Bobby advertises, “Base raid,” and still proceeds to raid a base despite Harry warning him that raiding is considered a major crime. What steps will you take to resolve this situation?
-tp to Bobby and tell him that he cannot advert "Base Raid" during a PD meeting and check his past warns to check if he has specifically done this before. If he already raided the base, I'll ask the base owner does he want compensation from Bobby for the base raid
Section C: Questions
3.1: Why should we choose you over other applicants?
3.2: If you were in a situation you did not know how to handle what would you do?
-ask an admin or higher up
3.3: Do you have previous experience staffing servers?
-twice on two small ww2 rp servers, I got perm banned from one of them because I decided to minge because the server was basically filled with neo-nazis and went inside a building and spawn in rockets blowing up the SS soldiers.
3.4: List three strengths that you have that will help you staff:
-get along with most people
-quick learner
3.5: List three weaknesses that may affect you when you’re staff:
-bad spelling sometimes
-a bit mingy at times
3.6: Why do you want to be a staff member?
3.7: Do you have any disabilities (or other issues) that may impact your ability as staff?
none that I know of
Have you received any help when creating this application? no
Do you consent to further fact-checking and background-checking? yes
1.1: What is your in-game name? Poopenfarten
1.2: How old are you? 14
1.3: Do you have a working microphone? yes
1.4: How long have you been playing Riverside? joined once in April, started actually playing somewhere around early December
1.5: Are you fluent in English? yes
1.6: What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:844137426
1.7: What is your Discord? brimstonemines__
1.8: References (if any)? Mr Frundles
Section B: Definitions and critical thinking:
2.1: Define RDM and provide two examples:
-RDM: killing someone for no valid reason
--Player 1 spawns into spawn, walks out and kills a random player on the street with his knife
--Player 1 walks by and calls Player 2 stupid, causing Player 2 to pull out a gun and shoot down Player 1
2.2: Define metagaming and provide two examples:
-Metagaming: getting info from ooc to get an advantage over players
--Player 1 sends in OOC that he just killed someone, SGT finds him in mall and arrests Player 1 for murder albeit having no evidence of this
--Player 1 says that there are drugs inside a house in Leslie Green in OOC, which then an NCA officer drives over to Leslie Green and raids a base for having drugs
2.3: Define FearRP and provide two examples:
-FearRp is valuing your character's life
--2 Criminals walk up to Player 1 and mugs Player 1 with both pointing a gun at Player 1 (Player 1 cannot just run away because that would be breaking FearRP)
--PMDC goes up to a Player 1's dead body and Crim 1 pulls out a gun and threatens PMDC that if he revives Player 1 that he will kill him (PMDC cannot revive him as that would be breaking FearRP)
2.4: What is cop baiting and provide two examples:
-Copbaiting: getting cops after you for no reason
--Player 1 sees a police car and starts ramming into constantly, starting a police chase
--Player 1 pulls out a gun and points it at PC before putting it away and running away while taunting the PC
2.5: What is discrimination and provide two examples:
-Discrimination: treating someone lesser because of their race, gender or sexuality
--Player 1 sees that Player 2's avatar is black and calls him the hard R in vc
--INS doesn't train CDT 1 because he found out that CDT 1 is gay
Please answer the following questions as if you were a Trial-Mod:
2.6: Dave has adverted carjack, stolen an NHS member's vehicle and drives around the city crashing into multiple parked cars. Tom reports him for failing to advert carjack. What steps will you take to resolve this sit?
-take the sit, check logs for the carjack advert, then inform Tom that Dave has adverted Carjack albeit that I will give whatever punishment to Tom for carminging
2.7: Joe has reported William for killing him for no reason with a car bomb. William (Hitman) states that he had a valid reason as it was for a hit. William has also killed three other people with car bombs. What steps will you take to resolve this sit?
-take the sit, check logs to see if William had a hit on Joe and check the other three he killed, if he didn't have a hit on Joe, I'll warn William for RDM but if he didn't have a hit on Joe or the three people, I will give whatever punishment for MRDM
2.8: Garry has reported James (Gun dealer) for killing him for no reason. James has a base on the sidewalk and has openly advertised it as a gun shop server wide. James states that Garry was not permitted inside his shop. James has killed four people in the last three minutes. What steps will you take to resolve this sit?
-take the sit, ask either Garry or James for the clip of the situation to check if James killed him for no reason but also tell James that he cannot build on the street and only hobos can and ask him to move his base, if he doesn't, I'll give whatever punishment it is for failbase and RDM if he did kill Garry for no valid reason. I'll also spectate him to make sure he isn't doing something fishy because he has killing 4 people in the last 3 minutes.
2.9: Harry, as a police Commander, is hosting a meeting. He advertises, “PD meeting | Starting 5m | Important topics | No major crimes.” Bobby advertises, “Base raid,” and still proceeds to raid a base despite Harry warning him that raiding is considered a major crime. What steps will you take to resolve this situation?
-tp to Bobby and tell him that he cannot advert "Base Raid" during a PD meeting and check his past warns to check if he has specifically done this before. If he already raided the base, I'll ask the base owner does he want compensation from Bobby for the base raid
Section C: Questions
3.1: Why should we choose you over other applicants?
3.2: If you were in a situation you did not know how to handle what would you do?
-ask an admin or higher up
3.3: Do you have previous experience staffing servers?
-twice on two small ww2 rp servers, I got perm banned from one of them because I decided to minge because the server was basically filled with neo-nazis and went inside a building and spawn in rockets blowing up the SS soldiers.
3.4: List three strengths that you have that will help you staff:
-get along with most people
-quick learner
3.5: List three weaknesses that may affect you when you’re staff:
-bad spelling sometimes
-a bit mingy at times
3.6: Why do you want to be a staff member?
3.7: Do you have any disabilities (or other issues) that may impact your ability as staff?
none that I know of
Have you received any help when creating this application? no
Do you consent to further fact-checking and background-checking? yes
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