Name: Sebas
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:546379429
Date of ban issue: 02/08/2024
Member of staff: Meady
Ban reason (screenshot): Why should we unban you?: Got banned for doxxing when what i said was public information for everyone to see. What happened was i called melon craig which is displayed on his discord profile as you can see under this message. Feel as if you don't want it said do not put it on a public platform for everyone to see. Would also like to add that meady never even checked for anything before perma banning me.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:546379429
Date of ban issue: 02/08/2024
Member of staff: Meady
Ban reason (screenshot): Why should we unban you?: Got banned for doxxing when what i said was public information for everyone to see. What happened was i called melon craig which is displayed on his discord profile as you can see under this message. Feel as if you don't want it said do not put it on a public platform for everyone to see. Would also like to add that meady never even checked for anything before perma banning me.