Name: Tomsi
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47245682
Date of ban issue: 07/27/2024
Member of staff: Platypus
Ban reason (screenshot):
Why should we unban you?: My game crashed while I was being arrested and i got banned for it. My game didn't completely close itself, it just froze and I had to go into steam to manually close the game which is why it said "disconnected by user" in the chat.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47245682
Date of ban issue: 07/27/2024
Member of staff: Platypus
Ban reason (screenshot):
Why should we unban you?: My game crashed while I was being arrested and i got banned for it. My game didn't completely close itself, it just froze and I had to go into steam to manually close the game which is why it said "disconnected by user" in the chat.