Name: Will
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:125791680
Date of ban issue: 23/01/2025
Member of staff: Talks the fish
Ban reason (screenshot): I accidently pressed the keybind that makes me quit the game... I have changed the keybind now, I didn't mean to press it I rejoined the server and got banned for 4 days. (EDIT: I am sad because I can't go onto the server and play
My medal keybind is F6 to clip I pressed F8 and it kicked me off)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:125791680
Date of ban issue: 23/01/2025
Member of staff: Talks the fish
Ban reason (screenshot): I accidently pressed the keybind that makes me quit the game... I have changed the keybind now, I didn't mean to press it I rejoined the server and got banned for 4 days. (EDIT: I am sad because I can't go onto the server and play

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